Weather for visiting 'The Rock' couldn't have been better, Alcatraz was great to poke round but looking back at San Fran was the best sight. The city really does look amazing from there on a sunny day.
In the evening we ventured into Chinatown to browse the cheap junk they'd imported from China t sell and then enjoyed an authenic Chinese for dinner. I went for a spinish and garlic dish after all the hotdogs and other meats I'd had during the day - I think Alex's meal was taster :)
The next day we kicked off with a Starbucks coffee and muffin which we enjoyed at Union Square which happened to be hosting an art show that morning.
After an adventure checking into our next hotel in San Fran (Our travel agents will be getting a letter of complaint!) we took an electric bus across town to the Golden Gate park and visited the Japanese garden there which was beautiful!
We then left San Fran to go towards Reno, but on the way there we stopped by for a tour of the Jelly Belly factory. They took us around the place and of course gave us some free samples, yummy!!!
Just before getting to Reno we stopped off briefly at Lake Tahoe which was absolutely stunning. I think I could have stayed there a whole week!
And now here we are at our Reno hotel the Atlantis Casino Resort - full of dodgy people looking for a good time. Now time for some dinner, we're both hungry!
1 comment:
Lots of lovely pics, wish i was there - but you don't :(
Did you smell what the rock was cooking?
Keep on driving and eating xxx
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